




Patients may now be referred under the Medicare Better Access to Psychology Scheme. The GP must complete a Mental Health Plan (Item 2700 and 2701 for GP’s without mental health training, and 2715 and 2717 for those with training). Information from the RACGP on making a referral is available on the following link. Patients return for review after six sessions (Item 2712).


A GP referral enables patients to a significant rebate, particularly as the clinical psychologists at Eltham Psychology Clinic are entitled to receive the highest rebates. Initially patients receive a referral for 6 sessions, and depending on the GP review after the sixth session, may be entitled to a further 4 sessions. As well as the individual sessions, a patient is also entitled to 10 group sessions following the GP referral on a Mental Health Plan. After this time sessions will paid for in full by the patient, or may be funded through private health insurance.

GP’s please note that we do not bulk bill.



The relevant eligible Medicare services cover any of the consultant psychiatrist items 293 through 370.



To refer to a psychologist, the eligible items numbers for paediatricians are those from 110 to 131.

Both psychiatrists and paediatricians are not required to complete a mental health plan. A dated letter of referral to the psychologist will enable the patient to claim a refund.



Eltham Psychology conducts specialist learning assessments and provides tailored remedial programs via private teachers. A child’s progress is assessed regularly to ensure they are benefiting from the interventions. These programs are not available under Medicare. The psychologists conducting the assessments are available to visit teachers and discuss their concerns for the student.